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The Best Handsaw

Updated Dec 12, 2022
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For replacing a deck board, building a treehouse, or fixing a piece of rotted trim, it’s essential to have a handsaw. We had three carpenters test seven saws, and the one chosen unanimously as the best is the Shark 15-inch Carpentry Saw (about $29).

Shark 15-inch Carpentry Saw, our pick

Shark 15-inch Carpentry Saw

Our pick
Three carpenters were blown away by how fast the Shark can cut. Its pull-stroke cutting style is very accurate and easier to use than a traditional push-stroke saw.
We recommend
Irwin 15-inch Carpentry Pull Saw, runner-up

Irwin 15-inch Carpentry Pull Saw

While not as fast at cutting as the Shark, the Irwin is a very nice saw with a comfortable handle.
Another good choice

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