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The Best Reef-Safe Sunscreen

Updated Dec 12, 2022
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Several common ingredients in sunscreens can be harmful to reefs and other sea life, which is why some states and municipalities have banned the sale of sunscreens that use the UV filters oxybenzone and octinoxate. Although no sunscreen has been proven totally safe for aquatic wildlife—wearing a rash guard or other protective clothing while you snorkel is the best choice for coral as well as for your skin—some formulas are friendlier than others. After researching the issue and testing 17 sunscreens that claim to be “reef safe,” we’ve found that Thinksport SPF 50+ Sunscreen has the ingredients scientists recommend in a reef-safe sunscreen, costs less than some of the competition, is widely available, and feels nice on skin.

Thinksport Sunscreen SPF 50+, the best reef-friendly sunscreen

Thinksport Sunscreen SPF 50+

The best reef-friendly sunscreen
This sunscreen uses ingredients that are thought to be safest for reefs. It costs less than the competition, plus it rubs in fairly easily and feels nice on skin. But it contains added fragrance and can leave a white cast.
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