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Why We Love the Container Store Stackable Laundry Basket

Updated Dec 17, 2022
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They might look innocent, but laundry baskets can be pretty menacing. If you’ve ever had to carry one, fully loaded, down a flight of steps to a basement laundry area, you know what I mean. One small misstep and you’re on your butt. I lived for decades with cheap, flimsy-handled plastic laundry baskets. Their cracked sides poked me in the ribs as I tried to negotiate them to the washing machine. But all of that changed when The Container Store Stackable Laundry Basket came into my life.

Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket, the best laundry basket

Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket

The best laundry basket
This basket’s simple design, light weight, and durability put it above the rest of the models we tested.
We recommend

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